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Floriography, by Gina Margolies — Violets

Welcome to February

Gina Margolies Birth Month Flower BirthMonthFlower February Birth Month Flower Violets winter

Welcome to February

February can be a tough month. The glow of the holidays has faded into memory, the mercury is hovering at its lowest point of the year, and the balm of spring seems far, far away. Who wouldn’t long for a sunny island get away? If you are one of the lucky ones jetting off to a long weekend in the sun sometime soon, I wish you safe travels and a wonderful time. For those who don’t have a tropical vacation in their calendar, perhaps there is a simpler (less expensive!) way to bring some cheer to this February. I have...

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February's Birth Month Flower Violet

Birthday Blossoms Birth Month Flower Meaning February Birth Month Flower Violets

February's Birth Month Flower Violet

February’s Birthday Blossom is the elegant Violet. This Birthday Blossom is regal, loyal, and unique.  There is a reason violet is a traditional color of royalty and the aristocracy.  Violets carry an air of regal beauty and kings and nobles are often pictured in violet garb.  The unique beauty of this birth month flower sets it apart from other flowers. In China, violets are thought to represent the harmony of the universe because they are a combination of red and blue, the yin and the yang. Throughout history, violets have also signified loyalty. Give a violet to someone to let them...

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5 Natural Ways to Purify and Detox Your Life

Gina Margolies February Birth Month Flower Violets

5 Natural Ways to Purify and Detox Your Life

Food for Thought - Purification      Purification might seem an odd topic for a month so strongly associated with boxes of chocolate, but its significance stems from the root of the word February. Like so much of our language, the English word February is derived from a Latin word. The Roman month of Februarius had the festival called the Februa or the Februatio festival, which took place on the 13th to 15th days of this month. The festival was one of ritual purification. Maybe this was the Roman way of detoxing after the holidays? A jump start on spring...

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